Energy Alignments

CLEAR Alignment   Creation Level Energy Alignment Reality

Have your energy and consciousness aligned to a template that connects, grounds and merges all levels of creation from 3d reality, 5d, up to angelic, raw consciousness, christ consciousness, centre of creation and void. This is a template in which you can begin a journey to align your own energy into perfectly clear multidimensional awareness.


-Become simultaneously grounded in 3rd dimension reality and spirit dimensions.

-Become a conduit for creative inspiration, ground creativity from infinite creation to manifest in life.

-Make your creations resonant for humanity by being able to ground them into all frequencies of vibration from lowest fear to highest bliss.

-Begin to activate your physical body to start healing and communicating with you so that you can live a life of perfect balance.

-Open up access to angelic worlds for guidance, healing and joy.

-Become a direct energy route for Christ Consciousness to harmonise and balance systems.

-A template for profound potential accelerated spiritual growth

-Have a wider perspective to pain and grief and see them as a frequency which is necessary for the journey of the soul incarnate leading to acceptance, contentment and joy.


This is a 60-180min session on video call.


Guide Price       Income/400 + Assets/40,000 min £150


Zero Point Creativity Upgrade


From Winter Solstice 2020 the bandwidth in which we experience reality shifted up resulting in two major changes to the reality we perceive.

Firstly the architecture that holds in place the deep personal and collective trauma is no longer holding this energy in place. This deep trauma is now released, reanimated  resulting in confrontation and chaos leading to harmonising and healing.

Secondly, there are new higher dimention creative realms to explore. In many ways the creative energy has been stuck on earth for the last 15 years. Music and art has been repeating itself in the same patterns, in places becoming more conceptual without new original creation. A new, higher level of creative real estate is now available to us as the we move into a new reality on Earth. 

Still, we need our experiences to create from - to be able to ground our creativity into our reality. I help guide you to bring all of your life experience and trauma into a field of energy. We then shrink this field down into an infinitely small point. We merge in the new creative realms and expand into a new life.

This is a rebirth into a higher vibration of being with access to new creativity, centredness, sovereignty, joy and bliss. You choose how you want to experience your life. 


This is a 60-180min session on video call.


Guide Price       Income/200 + Assets/20,000 min £250